The Rye Water District in New Hampshire serves a population of 5,500 residents, with 1,702 connections to the water supply. Every day, the district pumps 1.2 million gallons of water into three storage tanks. From there, the water is distributed to residents. In the northern United States, water districts have to deal with the dual challenge of providing a reliable supply of domestic water to their residents, while also preventing thermal and chemical stratification within water tanks over the winter months. If ice in particular forms, it can lead to a range of issues including water pressure fluctuations, increased maintenance costs, and the risk of structural damage. These issues can be resolved with the use of the Kasco CertiSafe™ mixer. This powerful, active tank mixer is fully submersible and designed specifically to prevent damage and corrosion due to ice formation and chemical stratification. Discover more about how a Water System Advisor uses the CertiSafe mixer to reduce the build- up of ice within New England Water tanks, resulting in lower maintenance costs, reduced risk of structural damage, and a consistent, safe water supply for the residents they serve.

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